Get started with The Veterinary Expert Pet Health Videos today !

Pet Health Videos Subscription Options

TheVeterinaryExpert is a trading mark of CPD Solutions Ltd

By ordering you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions

£473 month trial
  • Full bespoke demo for you to try out
  • Raise your practice profile
  • Easy trial...No commitment
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Video Starter
£697Annual Subscription
  • Customised Video Player for your website
  • All playlists and all updates included
  • FREE Waiting room DVD promoting your website videos to your clients
  • Our recommended starter package
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You can also set up a FREE demo player to see how the player will look on your websites. To do this please contact Helen Polec on 0151 328 0444 or email [email protected]

Terms and Conditions of Subscription

By purchasing a subscription, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions


1 Definitions

"Agreement" means these Terms and Conditions together with the Order Form as completed by The Host;

“CPD Solutions” means CPD Solutions of Oaklands Office Park, Hooton Road, Ellesmere Port, CH66 7NZ

"The Host" means the Company, Practice or Sole Trader hosting The Player and Videos on The Website;

"Annual Fee" means the annual fee paid by The Host to CPD Solutions in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;

"The Player and Videos" means the Veterinary Expert Pet Health Video Player and The Veterinary Expert Pet Health Videos;

"End User" means the person watching the videos on the Host’s website

"Term" the period commencing on the Start Date and continuing for a period of one calendar year from the Start Date;

"Subscription package" means the product specification in terms of annual streaming limits, videos to display and technical support purchased by The Host via The Order Form;

"The Website" means the designated website/URL where The Player and Videos will be hosted;

"Streams" means the number of times a video in The Player is played by an End User;

"The Code" means the web code provided by CPD Solutions to The Host or an agent of The Host that, when deployed correctly, will display a customised version of The Player and Videos on The Website;

"Order Form" means the form completed by The Host to purchase the Hosting package;

"Start Date" means the date the web code for The Player and Videos is supplied to The Host or a designated agent of The Host.


2 Host

2.1 The Host agrees to display The Player and Videos in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

2.2 CPD Solutions shall provide The Host with The Code to deploy The Player and Videos on The Website.

2.3 CPD Solutions reserves the right to change, alter, modify or adapt the contents of The Player and Videos at any time.

2.4 The Host shall provide CPD Solutions with branding information for customisation of the Host’s video player by CPD Solutions. If the Host does not provide such information within 5 working days of subscription, CPD Solutions will provide the Host with a default player.

2.5 The Host will incorporate CPD Solutions' standard terms and conditions for End Users watching the videos into the existing terms of use for The Website.

2.6 If the Host wishes to change the Hosting Package and CPD Solutions agrees to do so, CPD Solutions shall notify The Host of any changes to the Annual Fee and reserves the right to charge an additional administrative fee for processing any such change. CPD Solutions is not bound to agree to any change requested by The Host.

3 Term

3.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Start Date and shall continue for an initial period of 12 months. The Subscription will be renewed for a further 12 months on the day after the end of the initial Term, unless it is cancelled with at least 6 weeks’ notice by the Host.

4 Payment

4.1 The Annual Fee shall be paid by credit or debit card or bank transfer in full prior to the Start Date or by quarterly or monthly instalments as agreed.

4.2 Payment of the Annual Fee will be charged to the Host’s credit or debit card either in full prior to the Start Date. Where monthly payments have been agreed during the subscription process, there will be an initial set up fee. This will be paid prior to the start date. The remainder of the fee will be taken at monthly intervals from the approved credit or debit card. Where payment as agreed cannot be taken and the Host does not provide an acceptable alternative payment within 5 working days of the payment due date, CPD Solutions reserves the right to withdraw the player from the Host forthwith. In respect of late payments CPD Solutions reserves the rate to charge interest to the Host at a rate of 2% over bank base rate.

4.3 CPD Solutions shall send an electronic receipt forthwith after completion of the Order Form.

4.4 The Annual Fee is non-refundable and termination of the Subscription under paragraph 6.2 shall be without prejudice to the Host’s obligation to pay the Subscription Fee and any interest due thereon.

4.5 The Host agrees to pay additional charges as applicable for additional video playlists or excess video streaming over and above that which is included in the Subscription Package. Additional video streams will be charged at £25 per 1000 streams or part thereof.

5 Use

5.1 The Host shall have a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to host and display The Player and Videos under the terms of The Agreement on The Website. All data relating to the usage of player and videos by the Host shall remain the property of CPD Solutions. CPD Solutions will monitor monthly usage statistics and keep the Host informed of the number of streams from the Website in all packages except the Starter Package.

5.2 The Player and Videos supplied by CPD Solutions to the Host may only be viewed or read by the End User.

5.3 Any unauthorised copying or editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance, and/or broadcast of The Player and Videos or any part thereof is strictly prohibited.

5.5 The Host shall not make any charge to permit an End User to view The Player and Videos without having first received written authority from CPD Solutions.

6 Termination

6.1 This Annual Agreement will renew automatically in accordance with clause 3.1 above.

6.2 The Host may terminate the agreement at the renewal date where at least 6 weeks’ notice is given in writing to that effect. The Host must contact CPD Solutions to ensure that the intention to cancel has been received. If such is not received by CPD Solutions at least 6 weeks prior to the renewal date, the subscription will be renewed and the Host will be invoiced.

6.3 Either party may terminate the agreement immediately on written notice to the other party if that other party has committed a material breach of these Terms and Conditions and has not remedied such breach (if capable of remedy) within 14 days of receipt of notice requiring it to be remedied or if the other party becomes insolvent, or becomes subject to any proceeding under any insolvency or bankruptcy law or has a receiver, administrative receiver or administrator appointed over its assets.

6.4 CPD Solutions reserves the right to terminate the service at any time. If the service is terminated by CPD Solutions, the unused portion of The Host's subscription will be refunded in full within 20 working days.

6.5 If hosting is terminated under paragraph 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 or 6.4, whether by CPD Solutions or the Host, CPD Solutions shall not provide the Host with any further access to The Player and Videos from the date of termination.

6.6 The limitations and restrictions in Clauses 5, 7 and 8 shall survive any termination of this Agreement

7 Intellectual Property Rights

The Host acknowledges that The Player and Videos are protected by copyright, trade marks, and other proprietary rights of CPD Solutions and, where applicable, external content providers and accepts that no rights other than those set out in these Terms and Conditions are granted to the Host in respect of any intellectual property rights of CPD Solutions or any third party.

8 Limitation of Liability

8.1 The videos are designed for pet owner education. The videos are necessarily selective and general and are not intended to be exhaustive, nor can they provide the detail necessary to give professional advice or guidance in relation to any specific matter. The videos should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice on a particular matter. CPD Solutions shall have no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from such reliance.

8.2 The videos present the professional views of relevant veterinary professionals and consultants. CPD Solutions has no professional qualifications in this field and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the professional content of the videos.

8.3 CPD Solutions endeavours to ensure that The Player and Videos supplied to the Host are complete and up-to-date at the time of production, but undertakes no legal responsibility to this effect and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions in or from the videos.

8.4 The Host shall immediately notify CPD Solutions of any errors in the videos, who will pass the Host’s comments on to the relevant person. CPD Solutions shall endeavour to correct any such errors where it considers it appropriate to do so.

8.5 Save where the Host is a consumer (within the meaning of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977), CPD Solutions’ total liability to the Host under this Agreement is limited to the amount of the subscription Fee paid by the Host and CPD Solutions shall not be liable for any loss of anticipated profits, goodwill or reputation or from claims by others or any other indirect or consequential loss suffered by the Host.

8.6 Nothing in this Agreement shall limit CPD Solutions’ liability in respect of death or personal injury caused by CPD Solutions’ negligence.

9 Assignment

9.1 CPD Solutions may assign or transfer its rights and/or duties under this Agreement to another person or organisation.

9.2 The Host may not assign its hosting rights and/or duties to any other person or organisation without notifying CPD Solutions of the purported assignment and receiving CPD Solutions’ prior written permission.

10 Entire Agreement

10.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Host and CPD Solutions and supersedes any previous agreements between The Host and CPD Solutions relating to the same subject matter.

10.2 CPD Solutions reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement which shall include (without limitation) increases in the Host Fee and shall give the Host notice of any such change either in writing or through another suitable method.

10.3 This Agreement excludes all conditions, warranties and representations whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise which may be excluded at law

11 Notices

11.1 Any notice to be given in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and by pre-paid post.

11.2 CPD Solutions shall send notices to the person and at the address nominated as the address for delivery during the subscription purchase. Notices to CPD Solutions should be sent to CPD Solutions Limited, Oaklands Office Park, Hooton Road, Ellesmere Port CH66 7NZ. Either party may change its address for notice by notice to the other party given in accordance with this clause.

12 Rights and remedies

12.1 The rights and remedies contained in this Agreement are cumulative and in addition to any rights or remedies provided for by law. Exercise of one right does not prevent exercise of another.

12.2 A single or partial exercise of a right or remedy contained in this Agreement shall not prevent further exercise of the same right or remedy.

12.3 Failure to exercise a right or remedy or delay in exercising a right or remedy is not a waiver of that or any other right or remedy

13 Consumer End Users’ Right of Cancellation

13.1 If The Host is a consumer (within the meaning of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977), The Host has a right to cancel the Agreement within 7 working days from completing the Order Form and process without any charge being made by CPD Solutions. This may be done by giving a notice in writing or e-mail at any time during the 7 day period. However this cancellation right does not apply if The Host has started to use The Player and Videos in the 7 day period.

13.2 Once The Host has notified CPD Solutions that he/she is cancelling the Agreement pursuant to clause 13.1 above, CPD Solutions will refund or credit The Host within 30 days any sum that has been paid by The Host or debited from The Host’s credit card.

14 Governing Law

This Agreement is governed by English law and both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


Data Protection Act: The provision of The Code is a managed service and as such, data regarding your usage and performance is held in a secure database. Other personal information provided by you will be held in confidence by CPD Solutions but may be used to advise you about any other products or services that may be of interest. Your debit or credit card information will be used only for the purposes set out in these Terms and Conditions. These uses of your personal information are covered by the registration of CPD Solutions under the Data Protection Act 1998. Under the act, you have the right to obtain a copy of the information held about you, for which you may be charged a fee.